
MANNA has changed my life! I used to mindlessly eat- filling myself with whatever sounded good in the moment and often eating in excess or as a way of coping with stress. I was tired, lazy, undisciplined, and controlled by food. But, because of MANNA, I have learned how to fuel my body with what it needs so that I can thrive and not just "survive." I've retrained my body to crave vegetables and water over sour patch kids and Diet Coke. And I feel amazing! I have tons more energy, am sleeping so much better, and am even thinking clearer. MANNA has given me the tools, education, and discipline needed to transform the way I think about food. The best part of MANNA for me, however, has been the impact it has had on me spiritually as I've learned how to honor God by honoring my body. I cannot say enough about MANNA! Do it -- it will change your life!